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Letter from Grand Knight Tom Doyle

November 2015


Brother Knights, I first want to express our condolences to Faye Fisher and family on the passing of Brother Maurice. Maurice was a very active member of our council and he will be greatly missed by all. I would also like to thank all brother Knights who came out for the funeral to serve the mass and to form an honour guard for Brother Maurice. Please keep the Fisher family in your prayers.

On a happier note, I would like to congratulate Brother Matthew Doyle (my son) on his marriage to Laura Vanhie (daughter of Brother George Vanhie).


At our general meeting last week we welcomed a new member to our council. Brother Michael Hartman transferred to our council from 8863 in Zurich.


We are now well into our fraternal year and there is a lot going on.


Our parish continues to celebrate our 50th anniversary with the banquet coming up on Nov. 13 and the parish mission Dec. 3 – 6. There aren’t many tickets left for the banquet so you’ll have to get them this weekend if you are planning to attend.  Our council will be looking after the bar for the event so we will need a few members to sell bar tickets and tend the bar.  There will a social after the mission on Dec. 3 and 4th.  The CWL will be looking after one of these nights and we will be doing the other.

The CWL annual Bazaar is coming up and they could use our help so please consider volunteering to help with parking, selling tickets, cleaning up or whatever they need us for.


We are planning on having a Christmas potluck dinner on Wed., Dec. 9 for all members, spouses and potential Knights. Please keep this event marked in your calendar.


We will be conducting a membership drive the weekend of our breakfast in November. We have a great group of men in our council who do a lot for the church and community but we could do much more with more members.  Please continue to promote our order and encourage all men of our parish to join our council.


Lastly, please keep our veterans in your prayers this month and wear a poppy to remember all who have served our country over the years.  We are forever grateful for their sacrifice which allows us to enjoy the freedoms we have.


Vivat Jesus

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