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Marian 87

Council 9607

February 2015


Mary Immaculate Parish

1980 Trafalgar

London, Ontario N5V 1A2

Facebook- Marin Knight Columbus



Knights of Columbus History Part 1


1882-1899: The Founding


Late-19th century Connecticut was marked by the growing prevalence of fraternal benefit societies, hostility toward Catholic immigrants and dangerous working conditions in factories that left many families fatherless. Recognizing a vital, practical need in his community, Father Michael J. McGivney, the 29-year-old assistant pastor of St. Mary’s Church in New Haven, Conn., gathered a group of men at his parish on Oct. 2, 1881. He proposed establishing a lay organization, the goal of which would be to prevent Catholic men from entering secret societies whose membership was antithetical to Church teaching, to unite men of Catholic faith and to provide for the families of deceased members.


As a symbol that allegiance to their country did not conflict with allegiance to their faith, the organization’s members took as their patron Christopher Columbus — recognized as a Catholic and celebrated as the discoverer of America. Thanks to Father


McGivney’s persistence, the Knights of Columbus elected officers in February 1882 and officially assumed corporate status on March 29.

In addition to the Order’s stated benefits, Catholic men were drawn to the Knights because of its emphasis on serving one’s Church, community and family with virtue. Writing in The Columbiad in 1898, a year before he was elected supreme knight, Edward L. Hearn wrote that a Knight should live according to the virtues of loyalty, charity, courtesy and modesty, as well as “self-denial and careful respect for the feelings of others.” Fraternity and patriotism were added to the Knights’ founding principles of charity and unity in 1885 and 1900, respectively.


1882: The Knights of Columbus is born on Feb. 6, 1882, when the first members choose Columbus as their patron. Immediately after which leads to pride; and for complaining continually, which leads to desperation.”


the Order’s March 29 incorporation, Father McGivney sends the first diocesan-wide appeal for new members to his fellow priests.


1886: By the end of his four-year tenure as supreme knight, James T. Mullen personally presides at the institution of 22 of the first 38 councils. John J. Phelan is elected to succeed him and is the first supreme knight to sense the Order’s destiny as a national society.

1890: Father McGivney dies Aug. 14, 1890. His funeral Mass is celebrated in Thomaston, Conn., four days later.


1892: The Order passes laws allowing noninsurance or associate members to join.


Please Volunteer your time for the Knights Breakfast 3rd Sunday of the month. Knights work in Team A,B,C. Your Team is either 7-10am or 10am to 1pm. We need all Knights of Columbus’s to help. This is our main fundraiser. Contact a Knight member for more details.


Vivat Jesus


Mary Immaculate Parish Mass Times

                                                            Saturday          5pm

                                                            Sunday            9am & 11am

Confessions                                           Saturday          11am

Adoration                                              Monday            7pm-9pm





1st Degree Feb 23rd @Holy Family


2nd Degree Mar 29th @ St Andrews


3rd Degree Apr 19th @ Holy Family


3rd Degree May 24th at TBA Tillsonburg


4th Degree May 30th Pain Court


Knights of Columbus




Officers Meeting every 2nd Wednesday at 7:15pm

General Meeting every 4th Wednesday at 7:15pm


Upcoming Activities and Events

Shrove Tuesday                      Feb 17 2015 4pm to 7pm

St. Patrick Dinner March 13th at 7pm to 11pm. See any member of the Council for tickets.

50th Anniversary                     Activities throughout the year





Please pray for the repose of the souls of our brother knights who have entered Eternal Life. May their souls and the souls of the faithfully departed through the mercy of God, rest in peace.  Amen


Also, please remember the following brothers and their families who are in need of our prayers ……


Merlyn Coulter (wife of Brother James Coulter). We prayed for all the sick of our Brothers and Sisters.


If you know of any Knight or his family who is sick or in distress call DGK Jeff Foster or GK Tom Doyle


Marian 87 Web Site/Facebook

Facebook- Marin Knight Columbus


Please submit your email to Grand Knight Tom Doyle so your information can be updated. Have you changed email lately please send Tom your new e mail address. Thanks




What is a Knight?


The Knight of Columbus



Of service too:






Do you think about Joining? We are as close as your neighbour!!! Just contact any Member in the Bulletin.  They’ll be glad to help you.


Marian 87

Council 9607


Chaplain - Fr. John Comiskey

Grand Knight - Tom Doyle                  

Deputy Grand Knight - Jeff Foster  

Financial Secretary - John Kaak

Chancellor - Dan O'Connor

Recorder - Mike Breen

Treasurer - Gilles Catudal

Advocate - Pat Dicicco

Warden - Gary Bossuyt

Inside Guard - Maurice Fisher

Outside Guard - Jim Coulter

Trustee - Bill Leach

Trustee - Richard Parrott

Trustee - Ron Wammes



Knight of Columbus membership dues are due


A Priest Forever

Heb 7:1-3, 15-17


The author of Hebrews was big on Melchizedek, and his “relationship” to Jesus. More on that in a moment. In the Gospel reading from Mark 3, Jesus heals a man with a withered hand on the sabbath. Once again the Pharisees, itching for a reason to come against him, well…come against him. The question has arisen, is there ever a wrong time to do the right thing? I think Jesus would say no to that.


Melchizedek is an interesting character. He is mentioned in only one verse in Genesis 14, and the story of his encounter with Abraham is just three verses (18-20). So why is the author of Hebrews so captivated by Melchizedek? Our responsorial today is from Psalm 110 – “You are a priest forever, according to the order of Melchizedek.” Our reading from Hebrews 7 includes this, too, and explains why. Since his parentage is not mentioned in the Scriptures, the ancients believed that Melchizedek had no beginning or end, “thus made to resemble the Son of God, he remains a priest forever.”


This always reminds me of the Sacrament of Holy Orders. A Sacrament leaves an indelible mark on one’s soul. So, when a man is ordained a priest, he remains a priest forever, just like Melchizedek, just like Christ. As we reflect on this notion today, let us pray for our priests. They need our prayers. Not just today. Not just tomorrow. But forever.


Father, we thank you for the gift of the priesthood. Bless our priests, fill them with your grace and help them to be the holy men that you call them to be. Amen.


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