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Letter from Grand Knight Tom Doyle


I trust that everyone is enjoying this beautiful Fall weather that we have been blessed with. Hopefully it keeps up throughout October.


I would first like to thank everyone who helped work on the Church pews. We had 25 to 30 people involved on this project including some Knights’ family members and a few other parishioners. It looks great and is nice to have for the Bishop’s masses and 50th anniversary celebrations.

For those who were unable to make it to the September general meeting we have a number of events planned between now and Christmas that we will need help with.


We are planning on organizing the Basketball Free Throw once again this Fall. Breakfasts are scheduled to start up again the third week of October (Oct. 18) with Team “C” taking the early shift and Team “A” the late shift. Your team Captains will be calling. Our council will be looking after the lunch for the confirmation group on Sat. Oct. 17. Brother Dan O’Connor will be organizing this and will need some help.  Our parish’s 50th anniversary events continue with the Bishops mass the 1st weekend of October, banquet on Nov. 13 and parish mission Dec. 3 – 6.  The Knights will be looking after a hospitality/social on Friday, Dec. 4 after the mission. We are also hoping to have a Christmas Potluck on Wed., Dec. 9 for our members, families and friends. Feel free to bring a friend (especially potential members).

Our council will once again be helping with the London Food Drive. We will be handing out Food drive bags at the Metro store on Trafalgar from noon to 6:00pm on Oct. 5 to 9th.  If you are able to help with this please let me know.


Lastly, I ask that each member approach at least one potential Knight to invite them to join our council. Our council will be working on a number of events and the more members we have to help the less we each have to do and the more good work we can do. So please actively recruit all year.


God Bless.

Bro. Tom

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