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Letter from Grand Knight Tom Doyle

Jan 2016


Bro Knights, I hope everyone is enjoying a relaxing Christmas season. We are now entering the second half of our fraternal year and we still have a way to go with recruitment. Please continue to approach the men of our parish to invite them to join our order. I will be working on our 2015 Annual Survey of Fraternal Activity submission for our council shortly. This tracks the volunteer work our council members and monetary donations to various charities. Our members have put in a lot of volunteer hours this past year and we want to be sure to account for as much of it as possible. If you have been involved in anything that we may not be aware of please let me or one of our other officers know about it. The main categories we track are: Visits to the sick and bereaved, blood donations and hours spent for Church, Community, Youth and Culture of Life. However if you have been involved in any other volunteer please let us know and we will see where we can fit it in. Our council will be sponsoring the KofC Free Throw Competition this month. It will take place on Jan. 23 at 9:00 am at St. Robert Catholic School. We will need a number of volunteers to make this successful so please let me know if you are available to help with it. We have a group working on a St. Patrick's event again this year. It will be held on the Friday before St. Patrick's Day - March 11. Please keep this date open and plan to attend with family and friends.  Finally, I'd like to wish all members, your families and friends a Blessed and Happy 2016.


Bro. Tom

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