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Grand Knight Tom Doyle


Its hard to believe that we are through the Christmas season and only days away from the start of Lent. Lent starts early this year with Ash Wednesday falling on Feb. 10. Fr. Daniel has approached the Knights to ask if we could put on a pancake dinner on Shrove Tuesday, Feb. 9th.  Our breakfast team coordinator will be looking after organizing this and we will be needing help in preparing and serving the meal.  Please contact Paul Reaume if you are able to help.


Our council sponsored Knights of Columbus Free Throw took place on Jan 23 and I would like to thank all Brother Knights who came out to help with it.  We had the three Catholic schools in our parish participate and at least one competitor from the public school system. We will be sending 8 competitors to the District event being held in Feb.


As with previous years our parish will be having Stations of the Cross every Friday evening during Lent and as before the various groups in the parish have been asked to lead choose a day to lead the stations.  The Knights will be looking after this on Friday, Fe. 26.  Ideally we would have at least 14 members and their families out to read each station and another 3 or 4 to carry the cross and candles.  Please keep this date available.


It is that time of year again to pay council dues.  Bro. Jeff Foster, our Financial Secretary, will send the notices via email for all members we have email addresses for and via Canada Post for the members who have not provided an email address.


I would ask that all members who have an email address to provide it so that we can reduce our mailing costs and be able to get information out quicker.

Lastly, we are now well into the second half of our Fraternal year and we still have a ways to go to meet our quota of new members to qualify for the Star Council Award.  I ask that you continue to promote the Knights to all men of our parish.


God Bless

Bro. Tom

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