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Letter from Grand Knight

Bill Leach


Good Day Bro. Knights


First thing I would like to do is thank Bro. Tom for running the Basketball Free Throw and for everyone that came out to help with it. Now just to list a few things that is going on this month. The first one we be on Feb.4th at the Church it is the Kick-off for Confirmation. We have been asked to do Taco's on this date. I have about 5 offer to help but if you can come for a few hours we would be glad to have you. We will be at the Church to start at between 9am and 930am. One other thing that is happening this month is the defibulater training for anyone at the Church and that will be on Feb.25th from 1230 until 4pm. The next thing we are looking at to do is the grass cutting at the Church to help cut back on cost being spent on different things at the Church. If you would like to get involved in this please let Tom or myself know as soon as you can.


We will be having a St. Patrick’s Day get together on March 17th so please keep this date open and come out for a great time and great music. Tickets will be going on sale soon.


The last thing is remember if you can help with any events please do like I have said before more hands make less work.


Thanks and God Bless

GK Bill Leach

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